por dgcapel | Ago 9, 2023 | Europa, Myrtea
Los smoothies son una buena opción para aumentar el consumo de fruta fresca y además nos hidratan. El gazpacho es una sopa fría típica de la gastronomía española que se consume especialmente en los meses de verano. Se trata de una receta muy versátil que permite...
por dgcapel | Dic 15, 2022 | Europa
La Col es una perfecta verdura de invierno que está disponible los meses más fríos del año, de septiembre a mayo, siendo su momento álgido el duro invierno. La col pertenece a la familia de las crucíferas, que esta compuesta, entre otras, por el brócoli y la coliflor....
por dgcapel | Ago 29, 2022 | Europa
In a world where customers are becoming more conscious about the quality of products and the respect of the environment, we consider the necessity of including organic vegetables, especially our main production: brassicas, you can enjoy our organic broccoli, and...
por dgcapel | Jun 28, 2022 | Europa, exports
Summer is here, and so with it the watermelon. Spanish watermelon is a delicious and fresh fruit that in Spain with a large market that extend to all over the world. Spanish watermelon production is really recognized because of the quality and taste. Read this article...
por dgcapel | May 26, 2022 | Europa, Exportaciones, Myrtea, Europa, exports
Melons are one of the main fruit categories in Europe because of their sweet and mild taste. Their market is really competitive but as suppliers we put quality and differentiation first. We offer a wide variety of types of melons. Its origins are in Africa and...
por dgcapel | Abr 22, 2022 | Europa, Exportaciones
Which are the most popular vegetables in Europe? Consumers in Europe are becoming more conscious about the importance of including in their diets more vegetables. It is known that these products have a lot of benefits to our health. People who eat more...
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